What Mortgage Crisis? Lender Shells Out Massive Cash for Jets Tics

New York (HedgeCo.Net) – At least David Findel can never be called a band-wagon fan. The owner of mortgage-lender Financial Resources just agreed to pay a record $400,000 to the rights to two of the best seats at the new Meadowlands stadium. That’s just for the rights. The tickets themselves will cost him another $7000 annually.

The New Jersey native told the New York Post that he probably won’t even use the coveted seats.

“I purchased them for my son, Brandon, 11, and my daughter, Brooke, 7. I will probably continue to sit in my current seats.”

Both Jets and Giants fans were informed this season that they would have to pay money to obtain licenses in order to secure seats in the new stadium, which they will be sharing. Though some fans were outraged, the Jets were hoping to raise $170 million by selling licenses that ranged between $4000 and $25,000 per seat. The Giants, coming off a SuperBowl win and leading the solid NFC East Division, planned to charge between $1000 and $20,000 per seat license. The money from both teams will help to pay for the $1.3 billion in construction costs for the new stadium.

Jets owner Woody Johnson doesn’t see anything wrong with charging such outlandish fees in times of economic turmoil.

"People who buy PSLs and suites are looking over the long term," he said. "I know they realize, because I’ve been talking to a lot of them, that this is kind of a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to buy something that hasn’t been available ever."

Meadowlands Stadium will hold 82,500 seats, making it the second largest stadium in the NFL next to FedEx Field, home of the Redskins.

Findel won the rights at an October 16 auction, outbidding other millionaires like Nobu owner Drew Nieporent. Instead of slightly raising the $140,000 bid for each of the two seats, he shocked the crowd and shot right up to $200,000 per seat. Not exactly the kind of frivolous purchase you see mortgage lenders making lately.

“Although part of the mortgage business is in turmoil, this is an opportunity to invest in my business and to further demonstrate our loyalty to the New York Jets,” Findel told the Post.

Ummm…a Favre jersey would’ve worked too.

Julie Scuderi
Senior Editor for HedgeCo.Net
Email: [email protected]

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