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John Deere, to pay $10 Million to resolve alleged Bribery Charges
Sep 12 - (HedgeCo.Net) The Securities and Exchange Commission has announced that Deere & Company, which does business as John Deere, has agreed to pay nearly $10 million to resolve SEC charges that it violated the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) aris

Six Credit Rating Agencies Hit with $49M in fines and charged with Significant Recordkeeping Failures
Sep 5 - (HedgeCo.Net) The Securities and Exchange Commission has filed charges against six nationally recognized statistical rating organizations, or NRSROs, for significant failures by the firms and their personnel to maintain and preserve electronic commun
The secret to how the NFT hype affects hedge funds
By: David Drake
The art and financial sector has been abuzz for the past months: the rise of NFTs or non-fungible tokens has been garnering attention and quite the sum. David Drake of LDJ Capital banks on Bitcoin to hit the $133,300 mark this 2021
By: David Drake
By: David Drake 2020 was a year full of unfamiliarities. COVID-19 was an uninvited visitor that barged itself into our lives and decided to wreak havoc on our fragile world. It caught all of us off-guard and forced us to accept this difficult reality

Barrenjoey Capital LLC - New York, Manhattan
Barrenjoey Capital LLC, a securities and futures trading business is looking for a hard working, motivated person to fill an office management position within a dynamic business located in Manhattan. Initially part of a small team this position...
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