Hedge Fund Service Team Launched by BNP Paribas

West Palm Beach (HedgeCo.net) – BNP Paribas has launched a global, transversal, multi-asset, hedge fund client service team. The team will be a single point of entry for Hedge Funds for all inquiry, according to BNP, leveraging the bank’s capabilities and focusing on operational efficiencies.

The team is headed globally by John Polivko, based in New York and reporting locally to Jean-Patrick Kaiser, Deputy Chief Operating Officer, and globally to Bernard Gavgani, Equity and Commodity derivatives COO and Francois Freyeisen, Fixed Income COO.

Polivko recently joined the firm from Merrill Lynch where he was in charge of the client service organization for Prime Brokerage and more recently worked in financing sales. Prior to Merrill Lynch, Polivko also spent 7 years as a Managing Director at Bears Stearns in Prime Brokerage.

In addition, the appointments of regional managers reporting directly to John Polivko are Victoria Baker, Neil Spice and Jacqueline Man as regional head of hedge fund client service based in Hong Kong.

Talbot Stark, global head of hedge fund relationship management said, "Hedge Funds are a very important client base for BNP Paribas, following the acquisition of Bank of America’s Prime Brokerage business as well as the growth of the hedge fund relationship managements team, the creation of this function is another step in better serving those clients."

Alex Akesson

Editor for HedgeCo.Net
Email: [email protected]

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