Tag Archives: HedgeCo
DITMo Special Commentary 6/12
Portfolio Manager Commentary The June2012 report was delayed about a week to allow for commentary on Obamacare and EU election outcomes. SCOTUS delayed their decision until as late as 29June post the date of this report. The June Commentary will focus instead on our eristic speculation of certain geopolitical events potentially to occur imminently and considerations of these events on […]
Saving Europe
There are almost 40 billion euro reasons that Germany wants to replace Merkel. Since the 1992 Maastrich Treaty, the EU was a dream that portended great things – create a trading bloc and a currency. By 2002 the Euro was created with rules that capped GDP deficit spending to 103%. The rules were almost immediately broken and in the same […]
Saving The State Of California: Reed Hastings
As a manager in Newport Beach, California, concerns over the state’s viability have never been so palpable in the face of an almost $16 billion budget deficit and rising taxes. The answer to a certain course of default is not just cost-cutting or raising taxes. The state needs creative entrepreneurs to rethink every process of providing services. If the focus […]
DITMo Hedge Strategy Monthly (June12, Issue11) New Release
DITMo Hedge Strategy Monthly Jun12-Issue11Attributions, Rankings and Performances for Hedge Fund Classes and Indexes with Probabilities, Graphs, and pullout Color Matrices. By Pj de Marigny, PM DITMo Strategies / Renovatio Asset Management