New York (HedgeCo.Net) – The Scottish-born “hedge fund madam” who was accused of running a brothel from her New York home is planning on naming some of her high-profile clients during a television appearance on Dr Phil next week.
“There is going to be a giant name dropped — actually, a couple of them,” Anna Gristina told the New York Post. “Everyone’s going to have to watch Dr. Phil,” she said.
“Prosecutors had accused her of having a roster of wealthy, well-placed clients and boasting of law-enforcement connections during 15 years in a business that made her millions. After an investigation, they said it became clear she was running a brothel and profiting from it. She said she was merely starting a dating service.” CBS says.
“Legal experts have questioned whether, following her guilty plea, she will be able to make money from the venture. New York has laws to prevent criminals making money from publicizing their crimes. Michael Bamberger, a lawyer and expert on the First Amendment, told the Daily News: “What the statute basically says is a person is barred from making money based on ‘the use of unique knowledge obtained during the commission of a crime. “One could well argue that the names of clients falls within the category of unique knowledge, so this statue probably applies.” The Telegraph reports.
Gristina was sentenced to six months in jail followed by five years of probation.
Alex Akesson
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