Ramius To Wind Down Four Hedge Funds

New York (HedgeCo.Net) – New York City-based Ramius Capital will close four of its hedge funds that manage about $550 million in capital, the Wall Street Journal reports citing people familiar with the matter. 

The closing hedge funds are concentrated in convertible bonds, distressed credit and securities of merging companies. 

Some of the money in these funds could be transferred to Ramius’ largest, $2.1 billion multi strategy fund.  However, as the company deals with a wave of redemption requests, the multi strategy fund could be in danger of losing about $500 million of its value. 

“Going forward, these strategies will continue to be important allocations in our multi-strategy fund and will continue to be managed by the same portfolio teams,” Ramius told the Wall Street Journal.

Ramius currently manages about $10 billion in capital.  It recently offered its main hedge fund clients lower management fees to keep their loyalty with the firm.

Julie Scuderi
Senior Editor for HedgeCo.Net
Email: [email protected]

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