Eddington Triple Alpha Fund celebrates third anniversary with league-leading returns

HedgeCo.net ( New York ) – Eddington Capital Management Limited (“Eddington”), the specialist high return target fund-of-hedge funds manager, is delighted to celebrate the third anniversary of its flagship Eddington Triple Alpha Fund with league-leading 23.3% net returns, placing it in the top 1% of all funds-of-funds over the last 12 months.


Glenn Baggley, CEO of Eddington commented:

“We set out to deliver two to three times the return achieved by mainstream fund-of-funds by selecting high return managers, rather than using portfolio leverage. While much of the industry is moving towards low-volatility low-return products, more return-oriented investors (principally HNWI, Family Offices, and Private Banks) are left starved of choice. Filling that gap, without the use of leverage, presents difficult manager selection and portfolio construction challenges which only a specialist should attempt.

“Investors looking to enhance the returns from their alternative allocations should look at Eddington. Our managers are very different to those favoured by other funds-of-funds, and our portfolio offers not only enhanced returns but superior diversification benefits. With the cost of leverage increasing, we offer probably the only remaining diversified route to high hedge fund returns. In our third year of operation we made 23.3% net for our investors, and we aim to maintain that level of performance in future.”

“We have plans to launch other high return products in the coming months. It’s a very exciting time for the company.”

Alex Allen, CIO of Eddington, added: “Conditions were challenging for almost all hedge fund strategies through 2004 and early 2005. Returns were suppressed across the board, and our managers had few opportunities to shine. But these unusually adverse conditions have begun to abate, and our portfolio is finally able to show what it can do. We have been annualising at over 20% net for the last 16 months, and we are confident we can maintain this going forward. Months like January, when we made 7%, and April, when we returned 5%, should be reasonably common for our portfolio. In a moderately good year , we’d expect to produce returns well in excess of 20% net.”


Eddington Capital Management Glenn Baggley baggley@eddingtoncapital.com +44 20 7802 8480

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