Five of Six HedgeCoVest Portfolios Outperform Overall Market

( – The overall market lost 5.77% last week, and that was the worst weekly loss in the last four years for the S&P 500. The HedgeCoVest portfolios fared much better as a whole with five out of the six portfolios performing better than the overall market.

The fund manager models as a whole did lose 3.85% last week, but that is still considerably better than the loss in the overall market. The top 10 models lost on average 1.94% and the top five models lost a mere 0.73% on average.

Portfolio Return Week of 8/17/15-8/21/15 Year To Date Return
Top 5 HedgeCoVest Models -0.73% 2.00%
Top 10 HedgeCoVest Models -1.94% -3.92%
All HedgeCoVest Models -3.85% -4.49%
S&P 500 -5.77% -4.27%

On a YTD basis, the Top Five portfolio remains in positive territory with a gain of 2.0% while the Top 10 Portfolio continued to outperform the overall market. The All Models Portfolio made up ground on the overall market, but is still slightly below with a loss of 4.49%.


* This comparison is using simulated portfolios of the top five performing models, the top ten performing models and all models on the HedgeCoVest platform. For a complete list of all models and their performance, please visit the platform. The information contained herein does not suggest or imply and should not be construed, in any manner, a guarantee of future performance and/or investment advice. Past performance does not guarantee future results. Returns are historical and based on data believed to be accurate and reliable.

The HedgeCoVest Composite models did what you would expect them to do last week—the long-only models fell, the short-only models jumped sharply and the long/short models were mixed. The short-only models gained 6.7% while the long/short models lost 0.2%.

Portfolio Return Week of 8/17/15-8/21/15 Year To Date Return
HedgeCoVest Composite Long-Only Models -6.70% -7.56%
HedgeCoVest Composite Long/Short Models -0.02% 4.04%
HedgeCoVest Composite Short-Only Models 6.70% 12.31%
S&P 500 -5.77% -4.27%

The YTD numbers continue to impress with the Short-Only Portfolio is now up an incredible 12.31% even though the overall market is only down 4.27% on the year. The Long/Short Portfolio remained steady and is still up 4.04% on the year.


*This comparison is using simulated portfolios of the composite models on the HedgeCoVest platform. For a complete list of all models and their performance, please visit the platform. The information contained herein does not suggest or imply and should not be construed, in any manner, a guarantee of future performance and/or investment advice. Past performance does not guarantee future results. Returns are historical and based on data believed to be accurate and reliable.


Rick Pendergraft
Research Analyst


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