New York (HedgeCo.Net) – High Water Women, a charitable organization founded in 2005 by senior women in the hedge fund industry have delivered a record 10,000 fully-supplied backpacks to tri-state area children in need. The drive raised more than $170,000, allowing volunteers to assemble 20% more backpacks than last year.
The philanthropic organization is focused on financial literacy and microfinance, this is its 9th annual Backpack Drive.
“Thanks to some very generous donations and the expanded participation of many corporate groups, we’ve been able to meet our goal.” Janice Abert, HWW Board of Directors and Chairperson of the Backpack Drive and Managing Partner at hedge fund Abert Associates said, “Everyone involved, donors and volunteers should know that because of their support, 10,000 children in need will now be able to start school ready to learn.”
More than 350 financial services industry volunteers participated in this year’s drive, participating firms included: Credit Suisse, Barclays, UBS, Deutsche Bank, BNY Mellon, DE Shaw, Carter Ledyard & Milburn, Neuberger Berman, Rothstein Kass, Reed Smith, Pershing Square and Galtere.
More than twenty nonprofits and schools placed orders for the packs, with kindergarten, elementary and middle/high schools all receiving different supplies.
Alex Akesson
Editor for
[email protected]
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