MAM Launches Hedge Fund-Like Returns Strategy

West Palm Beach ( –  California based Martin Asset Management (MAM) is replicating hedge-fund-like returns and risk factors through its ETF strategies without the heavy fees, lockups and non-transparent holdings, the boutique alternative investment firm said.

"Our approach allows investors to obtain the very same benefits as they would with a hedge fund without the limitations usually associated with hedge funds", says Francisco Martin, Senior Managing Director and Founder of Martin Asset Management.

"We use a similar investment philosophy as you would with ‘Global Tactical Asset Allocation’." Martin said, "It is an investment strategy that attempts to exploit short-term market inefficiencies by taking positions in various markets with a view to profiting from relative movements across those markets."

The approach focuses on general movements in the markets rather than on performance of individual securities within them Positions are generally taken with a relatively short-term time horizon (3 – 6 months) – hence the term Tactical Asset Allocation – and in markets across the globe – hence the term Global.

"Our philosophy is simple; we don’t charge any management fees but participate with a 10% performance fee and a High Water Mark. The transparency of a separate managed account and the elimination of all hedge fund imposed barriers make our approach much more attractive to the investor," says Martin.

MAM is expected to launch its new product by August of 2008.

Alex Akesson

Editor for HedgeCo.Net
Email: [email protected]

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