Hedge Fund Used As Case Study At Stanford

West Palm Beach (HedgeCo.net)- Stanford University’s Graduate School of Business is using a hedge fund, GlobeOp Financial Services, in a business model case study developed for classroom.

The case study, ‘GlobeOp: Enabling Hedge Funds, 2000-2003,’ emphasizes how vital a robust operational and technology infrastructure is in a constantly evolving and highly competitive market.

“GlobeOp exemplifies the strategic value of cutting-edge technology in an entrepreneurial, global organization." Professor Glenn R. Carroll, who led the study, said, "This is exactly the kind of new firm that our students want to learn about and will work in. We are gratified that they opened their doors to us."

“We are honored to be the focus of this study, which we hope will provide students with useful insight into the vision, team commitment and plain hard work it takes to establish a business for growth and long-term success." Hans Hufschmid, CEO of GlobeOp said.

The initial case study documents how GlobeOp identified and targeted an opportunity and then defended its market position by effectively managing growth and stabilizing the organization. It includes GlobeOp’s strategic decision to establish a significant presence in India to optimize scalability and time zones, and subsequently provide its global client base with comprehensive 24/5 service. The study also discusses GlobeOp’s responses to market opportunities, client demands and resourcing challenges, which paralleled financial technology innovations and the expansion of its client base from hedge funds to funds of hedge funds.

The second part of the Stanford case study, documenting GlobeOp’s history from 2003 to the present, is in development. GlobeOp grew from a small core team of 20 people to a business employing more than 400 people serving 82 hedge fund clients representing more than $26 billion in assets under management (AuM). Today GlobeOp employs 1,700 people worldwide and serves more than 155 clients representing $102 billion AuM.

Alex Akesson
Editor for HedgeCo LLC
Email: [email protected]

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