ABN Amro introduces structured fund of hedge funds

Asian Investor- ABN Amro and Kenmar team up to create a range of hedge fund products focused on the sustainable investment sector.
ABN Amro is set to create a series of structured fund products built around a fund of hedge funds that invests in the sustainable investment sector.

The portfolio is run by Kenmar, a US fund of funds manager that handles $3 billion of client money, and is the first long/short fund of hedge funds focused on managers that meet the criteria of sustainable investing – in other words, investments that place a strong emphasis on social and environmental issues, with the ultimate goal of creating a more sustainable economy.

“We would like to get a discussion about sustainable investment going,” says Pieter Oyens, head of Asia fund-linked derivatives marketing and structuring at ABN Amro in Hong Kong. “Getting investors to direct funds to sustainability is a real way we can make a difference in the world.”

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