SS&C GlobeOp Forward Redemption Indicator: May Notifications 4.68%

New York (HedgeCo.Net) – The SS&C GlobeOp Forward Redemption Indicator for May 2015 measured 4.68%, up from 3.36% in April.

“SS&C GlobeOp’s Forward Redemption Indicator of 4.68% for May 2015 is up from 3.36% in April, reflecting mainly seasonality, as the increase year over year is only 36 basis points from 4.32% for May 2014,” said Bill Stone, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, SS&C Technologies.

SS&C GlobeOp Hedge Fund Performance Index


100 points on 31 December 2005

Flash estimate (current month)


Year-to-date (YTD)


Last 12 month (LTM)


Life to date (LTD)


*All numbers reported above are gross

SS&C GlobeOp Capital Movement Index


100 points on 31 December 2005

All time high

150.77 in September 2013

All time low

99.67 in January 2006

12-month high

150.43 in June 2014

12-month low

146.25 in January 2015

Largest monthly change

– 15.21 in January 2009

SS&C GlobeOp Forward Redemption Indicator

All time high

19.27% in November 2008

All time low

1.85% in January 2012

12-month high

5.87% in December 2014

12-month low

2.49% in January 2015

Largest monthly change

9.60% in November 2008

The SS&C GlobeOp Forward Redemption Indicator represents the sum of forward redemption notices received from investors in hedge funds administered by SS&C GlobeOp on the SS&C GlobeOp platform, divided by the AuA at the beginning of the month for SS&C GlobeOp fund administration clients on the SS&C GlobeOp platform. Forward redemptions as a percentage of SS&C GlobeOp’s assets under administration on the SS&C GlobeOp platform have trended significantly lower since reaching a high of 19.27% in November 2008. The next publication date is June 19, 2015.

Alex Akesson
Editor for
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