West Palm Beach (HedgeCo.net)- New York based fund of hedge funds (FoHF) Ginepri Capital, and SAGA Capital, a New York alternative investments advisory firm, announced a newly formed venture, the SAGA/Ginepri Alpha Fund.
"Film investors will increasingly employ new techniques commonly used by investment banks, advisory firms and hedgers to analyze the risk/return profiles of potential securities investments." S.K. Dean, Managing Partner of Ginepri Capital said.
SG Alpha Fund will focus on the financing, analysis and securitization of mid to high budget independent films with committed distribution.
Both FoHF’s contributed significant proprietary risk capital to the new venture. SG Funds will be syndicating $400 million in debt, between a group of New York and European investment banks, to leverage the committed capital. The company will only green-light investments using the proprietary Movie Alpha Model.
"We are very enthusiastic about our association with Ginepri for the design, valuation, production and distribution of film portfolios and related acquisitions." Ralf Voellmer, SAGA President stated.
With a strong emphasis in analyzing the risk/returns in developed economies and emerging markets, the management team of SAGA has significant expertise in financial modeling, including analysis and securitization of deals with embedded credit risk, market risk, and operational risk.
Alex Akesson
Editor for HedgeCo.Net
Email: [email protected]
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