Survey: 81% Of Endowments & Foundations Planning Hedge Fund Allocations In 2014

imagesNew York (HedgeCo.Net) – Boston-based investment consulting firm’s NEPC’s Q1 survey, which measures endowment and foundation confidence and sentiment related to the economy, investing and market performance, has released its results.

      81% of E&Fs indicated they are planning to allocate the same or more to hedge funds in 2014.
      The sub-categories E&Fs are planning on increasing their exposure to include multi-strategy (36%), credit-linked (20%) and event-driven (20%) spaces. Equity-linked (12%) and Tactical trading/macro (8%) came in last.

When asked if E&Fs are planning to change the way capital is allocated within their real assets program, only 10% said they’d increase through fund-of-funds, with 29% saying they’ll increase direct investments and 54% saying they won’t change what they have in place.

Editing by Alex Akesson
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