New York (HedgeCo.Net) – President Obama met with Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke and Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner on Friday, after which he told reporters there are “glimmers of hope across the economy.”
The meeting, which was also attended by Sheila Bair from the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. and Mary Schapiro, head of the Securities and Exchange Commission, focused on topics like home-owner refinancing, stabilizing the banks, increasing jobs, and the new “stress tests” being administered to companies by the government.
The test are being conducted on the 19 largest U.S. banks to see whether they would hold up or crumble amidst worsening economic conditions. The results are expected to be released the end of this month. Banks that do not fare so well may get additional taxpayer funded assistance.
“We have always been very cautious about prognosticating, and that’s not going to change,” the President told reporters after the meeting.
Obama pointed to several reasons why he felt the economy is showing signs of hope, mainly the nearly $800 billion stimulus package plus an increase in loans to small business owners and more options of homeowner refinancing. He added that the administration will be unveiling additional programs over the next several weeks, though he didn’t get into details.
“We’re starting to see progress, and if we stick with it, if we don’t flinch in the face of difficulties, then I feel absolutely convinced that we’re going to get this economy back on track.”
Julie Scuderi
Senior Editor for HedgeCo.Net
Email: [email protected]
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