Hedge Fund Industry Raises Over $1.5 Million to Prevent and Treat Child Abuse

mc_010609f-300x169New York (HedgeCo.Net) – Over 600 senior executives from some of New York’s most prominent hedge funds including Ellington Management, Marathon Asset Management, York Capital Management and Two Sigma, have joined up with Help For Children/Hedge Funds Care (HFC), raising over $1.5 million at the 17th Annual New York Open Your Heart to the Children Benefit.

While attendees mingled over cocktails and hors d’oeuvres, participated in the silent auction, and enjoyed music, the Honorable Georgette Mosbacher, CEO & President of Borghese, Inc., was presented with the Founder’s Award given in recognition of her efforts spearheading the Manhattan Children’s Advocacy Center, now known as The New York Center for Children, a privately financed, tax-exempt charity dedicated to assisting abused children and their families.

“The statistics are truly astonishing. In the US, one in four girls and one in six boys is sexually abused by age 18, and further, there are 3.3 million reported incidents annually involving as many as six million children,” said Dr. Kathryn Conroy, Executive Director and CEO, HFC. “Child abuse and neglect is a hidden problem, happening usually behind closed doors, and the hedge fund industry continues to give kindly in support of programs that can make a lasting difference for children.”

“I am truly honored to be the recipient of the HFC Founder’s Award,” said Georgette Mosbacher. “I am dedicated to helping protect the most vulnerable among us, children, and to working to break the cycle of abuse that has impacted so many families in the Tri-State area and beyond. HFC’s efforts continue to have a positive impact and I am proud to be able to contribute to this organization’s vital work.”

“This is a special evening that united hundreds of like-minded philanthropic financial executives, including hedge fund managers, investors and industry professionals, for a shared purpose: to help prevent and treat child abuse,” said Dean Backer, President of HFC and Global Head of Sales and Capital Introduction in the Global Securities Services group at Goldman Sachs. “I can’t thank the hedge fund community enough for its generous support of important programs that work every day to protect children.”

The evening’s sponsors included Ernst & Young; KPMG; PricewaterhouseCoopers; BDO; Deloitte; Goldman Sachs; Citco Fund Services; UBS; Advent; GlobeTax; J.P. Morgan; ACA Compliance Group; ALPS; BNP Paribas; CME Group; Credit Suisse; Eze Castle Integration; HSBC; Katten; Maples; Marcum; McGladrey; Mitsubishi UFJ Fund Services; Morgan Stanley; Northern Trust; Seward & Kissel; Sidley Austin; State Street; and SS&C GlobeOp.

Co-chairs for this year’s gala were Gerry Polizzi, Managing Director at UBS, Asli Ay, Managing Partner at US Policy Metrics, and Steven Nadel, Partner at Seward & Kissel.

Alex Akesson
Editor for HedgeCo.net
[email protected]
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