Future Crisis Worries – Hedge Fund Compliance Survey

Three quarters of the world’s senior banking and compliance officers polled as part of a wide-ranging survey by Complinet, a hedge fund compliance company, said they are expecting the next financial crisis will strike within the first half of this decade, the company said.

The survey found that the majority of regulatory experts questioned predicted the next significant economic downturn before 2015. 77% said recent reforms were insufficient to avoid another crash similar to the 2008 collapse.

The survey of 232 global compliance officers was made up of 34%  from the banking sector, 9% insurance, 32% securities, 7% legal, 18% others.

“The continuing lack of company transparency and accountability to the markets and the public makes the possibility of another crisis almost assured,” said one of the businesses questioned.

The Complinet survey also showed that only 40% thought their firm had changed its approach to compensating employees based on a better understanding of risks associated with the business. 91% recognised that the current bonus culture is resented by those outside the financial services industry.

But the survey also showed that 62% of senior management believe they’re putting the right controls in place.

“Regulatory reform and implementation of effective compliance solutions are clearly vital to avoid another crash,” says Paul Johns, Vice President of Global Markets at Complinet.

“The key message from this survey is financial institutions must ensure they have enough compliance resource to navigate through the regulatory maze and reduce the risk of falling foul of the rules.”

Alex Akesson
Editor for HedgeCo.net
[email protected]
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