New York (HedgeCo.Net) – SEC Commissioner Luis Aguilar said his agency should be given the authority to regulate hedge funds after urging Congress “to close the glaring loopholes in securities regulation.”
Aguilar, one of the agency’s five commissioners, is among many who are calling for greater oversight in an industry that has been ravaged by turmoil and most recently, fraud.
The SEC has been accused of lax regulation after a tumultuous year where many financial institutions imploded. That belief was further fueled after the string of recent fraud cases involving intricate Ponzi schemes, incling the Bernard Madoff scandal that swindled billions out of investors. Even since his infamous arrest, there have been a handful of cases that have surfaced, leaving a wake of angry investors with their fingers pointed to the SEC.
Mary Schapiro, who Barack Obama appointed as head of the SEC, has come out in favor of a mandatory registration by hedge funds, although she has not vocalized any wrong doing by the agency in recent months.
“Currently, the SEC is prohibited from exerting jurisdiction over particular financial instruments that seem to fall squarely within the agency’s mission,” Aguilar said, while stating his belief that the merging of the SEC with the Commodity Futures Trading Commission would remedy the situation of who regulates what.
Julie Scuderi
Senior Editor for HedgeCo.Net
Email: [email protected]
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