Hedge Fund Gold Bets: John Paulson Loses $1 Billion

john-paulson-950x500New York (HedgeCo.Net) – In two days hedge fund manager John Paulson lost almost $1 billion as the gold price dropped last week.

“Paulson has roughly $9.5 billion invested across his hedge funds, of which about 85 percent is invested in gold share classes.” Bloomberg reported last week.

Paulson is still betting that the return of inflation and a meltdown in global currencies will save his gold investments.

Also being questioned is the size of a hedge fund, how big can it get before things start to go wrong. “Since hedge funds are now a dominant force in the market, they can’t, as a group, outperform the market,” George Soros said at the World Economic Forum in Davos.

“With a personal fortune valued by Forbes magazine at $11.2 billion, Paulson can weather the loss, but this is not his first stumble since his historic bet on the property crash made him the world’s most famous hedge fund manager. And despite recent events, he is still flying the gold standard.” The Japan Times reports.

Alex Akesson
Editor for HedgeCo.net
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