Hedge Fund Industry Review: May 2010

New York (HedgeCo.Net) – North American hedge funds’ assets under management crossed the $1 trillion mark for the first time since November 2008, the May 2010 Eurekahedge Report announced.

Global hedge funds’ assets also exceeded the $1.5 trillion mark and are on track to surpass $1.75 trillion by year-end and distressed debt hedge funds saw 13th consecutive month of positive returns, up 50.34% since March 2009 the report said.

Japanese hedge funds gained 2.99% in the month and 7.23% YTD – the best April YTD returns since 2004. Winners of the Asian Hedge Fund Awards 2010 will be published on Eurekahedge, Friday, 21st May 2010.

The report details analyses and insights into the state of the hedge fund industry in recent months up to April through a comprehensive qualitative and quantitative presentation of the industry’s asset flows and performance, with a special feature on key trends in funds of hedge funds.

Alex Akesson
Editor for HedgeCo.net
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