Tag Archives: Finance Jobs
Could a Scandal at JPMorgan Chase Create New Jobs?
As many as two-thirds of organizations are said to be ineffective or inefficient in some capacity. Sometimes the inefficiencies are brought on by laziness — other times they are the result of a massive corporate scandal. JPMorgan Chase is one of many multinational institutions that endured a scandal last year. When that happens, investors often run for the hills. But […]
Is it Wise to Sell Out and Take a Lower-Paying Job?
There are few things in life that are as awful as losing a job. In addition to the loss of financial security and the independence that comes with having a job, there is a tremendous amount of stress that comes with the loss. When a new job is finally attainable, some individuals are surprised to learn that their next employer […]
The Secret to Getting a Raise
There are many challenges that every job seeker must face, even after landing a job. One day every man and woman must walk over to their boss’s office and politely ask, “Can I have more money?” Obviously the question is never that simple and cannot be asked so plainly. Rather, the quest for a raise must be approached delicately, thoughtfully […]
How to Break Into Finance Without a Degree
Donald E. Conrad didn’t plan on having a career in finance. As an aspiring percussionist, Conrad found himself working as a salesman for Benjamin Moore & Co. “It was a good job, too,” he told StreetID. “I had an expense account, a company car, a decent salary. I was at the high end of my peer group. But I was […]
How to Ace a Hedge Fund Interview
First and foremost: do not ever lie. “Then you don’t have anything to remember,” said Mitch Ackles, President of the Hedge Fund Association and CEO of Hedge Fund PR. “Make sure that everything is truthful and above board. Be completely clear if you’ve ever had any black marks on your record, if you’ve ever had any disciplinary actions from a […]
Will the JOBS Act Transform the Hedge Fund Industry?
There has been a lot of chatter surrounding the JOBS (Jumpstart Our Business Startups) Act and its inevitable impact on the job market. But what impact, if any, will it have on the hedge fund industry? “For more than 60 years, hedge funds have never been allowed to advertise,” said Mitch Ackles, President of the Hedge Fund Association and CEO […]
Do Hedge Funds Create Jobs?
There has been an ongoing discussion surrounding hedge funds and their ability (or lack thereof) to create jobs. Many financial professionals wonder: do they really have the capacity to help the job market? And if they do, what jobs are hedge funds producing? Mitch Ackles, the President of the Hedge Fund Association and the CEO of Hedge Fund PR, told […]
Working for Bank of America vs. Financial Startups: How Does the Experience Differ?
According to Leigh Drogen, the co-founder and CEO of Estimize, there’s a big difference between working for or managing a traditional financial institution and a financial startup. When you’re in charge of the former, “Every day you come in and know exactly what you need to do to build that firm,” Drogen, who was previously the founder and CIO of […]
The Hedge Fund Industry Has Two Barriers to Entry – Can You Break Them?
The hedge fund industry is regarded as one of the most appealing sectors within the financial community. That appeal has created unprecedented demand for fresh talent and skilled investors who are looking to make their mark. But how difficult is it for job seekers to break in? “It’s a hard industry to break into if you don’t know the right […]