HedgeMark Hires Three Hedge Fund Specialists

HedgeMark International, LLC., announced today that Jaeson Dubrovay has been named Managing Director, Portfolio Solutions and Kristoffer Houlihan has been named Managing Director, Portfolio Risk Solutions. Stephanie Kakalios joins HedgeMark as Director of Project Management.

“A key goal for HedgeMark, a BNY Mellon affiliate, is to communicate the unique capabilities of our platform to prospective clients and their investment advisors,”  Kenneth S. Phillips, chief executive officer and founder of HedgeMark said. “Jaeson and Kris will play an important role in that effort, while Stephanie will bring her significant experience to the leadership of our operations team.”

Jaeson Dubrovay was previously a partner and co-head of Americas advisory for Aksia, LLC, a top independent global hedge fund consulting firm. Before that, Dubrovay headed the $21 billion hedge fund consulting practice at NEPC, LLC.

Kris Houlihan was previously a Director in risk management at Pacific Alternative Asset Management Company (PAAMCO), one of the largest fund of hedge fund advisers, where he covered managed accounts and commingled investments. Houlihan also previously served as vice president, Global Hedge Fund Risk Management, at JPMorgan.

Stephanie Kakalios  was previously chief operating officer at R.G. Niederhoffer Capital Management, Inc., a $2 billion (peak assets) alternative investment company. Prior to Niederhoffer, Ms. Kakalios was a Partner and Head of Operations at Allianz Hedge Fund Partners and before that was Director and Head of Product Structuring and Operations at Citibank Alternative Investment Strategies. She has nearly 20 years of experience with managed account hedge fund structures and will be based in HedgeMark’s New York office.


About Alex Akesson

Alex has been specializing in hedge fund and alternative investment news since April 2006. Working mainly in research and manager interviews, she has published breaking news on the hedge fund industry on her blog, as well as several industry publications. Her access to hedge fund managers gives her insight into news stories as well, and the ability to track press releases and other breaking news in real time.
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