Hedge Fund Market Data

Hedge Fund Market Data - Exchange Data International Inc.

Michael Hyland, -
249 West 34th Street
New York, NY 10018
Phone: (732) 618-2854
Website: http://www.exchange-data.com


Exchange Data International HedgeCo.net Service Provider Directory Exchange Data International (EDI) helps hedge fund managers, accredited investors, institutional investors and industry professionals make informed decisions through the provision of fast, accurate, timely and affordable data reference services. EDI is the leading expert in corporate actions reference data, event management and pricing. Close relationships with software and data partners ensure the reference data EDI provides is the most up to date. Elsewhere EDI’s flexible pricing methodology ensures the lowest on-going costs. Regulatory changes and changes in formats and data require a partner who can respond quickly, accurately and cost effectively. Of all providers, EDI delivers the most accurate data. Furthermore access to real-time information combined with cutting edge technology enables data to updated into client’s systems immediately and cost effectively. In addition EDI’s detailed knowledge and experience enables its clients to customise (pick and choose) data, efficiently and affordably. EDI is a niche firm that is flexible in its pricing. EDI’s professional client management delivers the lowest cost of ownership whilst at the same time being the most responsive to client requests. As a result of the company’s on-going commitment to providing cost effective data reference solutions, whilst at the same time ensuring the highest standards, EDI has been awarded the internationally recognised symbol of quality ISO 9001. EDI is based in London, with offices in New York and Mumbai and Morocco. For more information about EDI, please call it’s New York office on +1 (212) 244 1655, email [email protected] or visit www.exchange-data.com.

Hedge Fund Market Data - Thomson Reuters

Jennifer Weiss, Director - Hedge Funds, Prime Brokers & Strategic
3 Times Square 21st Floor
New York, 10003
Phone: 646-223-4616
Website: http://www.thomsonreuters.com


Trying to get a fund off the ground is stressful enough - you shouldn't have to worry about whether you're paying too much for the data and tools you're going to use. That’s where Thomson Reuters can help you. Not only do we have the best financial data and the most innovative products to help you execute your strategy, but we can package them in a way that meets your specific requirements. Whether your research is driven by fundamental or quantitative analysis, we have unique content and predictive models that make your hedge fund stand out from the crowd. Thomson Reuters is at the center of thousands of investment decisions, everyday. We are the leading source of intelligent information for hedge funds and their investors, powered by the world's most trusted news organization, with specialized hedge fund information. With unique content and tools for research, portfolio and risk analysis and trading, and key information on hedge fund performance from the world’s largest hedge fund database, there is the widest possible range of products and services to meet the growing requirements of the hedge fund marketplace.

Armin Grigat, 2IQ Research
Phone: + 4969 90 55 76 14

Robin Westerberg, Capital Chase
Phone: 02071837029

Joe Flinn, Commodity Weather Group
Phone: 832-540-4012

George Hu, GM
Phone: 4086456750

Sean Adelhelm, Financial Markets - Sales
Phone: +1 646-679-3354

Paul McLean, PEI Media
Phone: 2126451919

Jonathan Schwartz, Market Data Solutions
Phone: 866-537-5518

sari zuck, RevereData LLC
Phone: 212.405.3980 ext 367

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