Tag Archives: RCM Editorial

Fear Trade Back? Sergey Aleynikov & HFTs, Goldman’s Trading Scandal, 2nd Stimulus, U.S. Office Market Collapse

News that Moves Markets with RCM Editorial On Monday I revealed long term trends that, as I said, must be respected. However, today I wish to offer a thought that may help those who wish to trade on a shorter time frame. Government manipulation, with the help of big investment banks, has turned shorter term decision making into a sort […]

Manipulation of Equity Markets: Helicopter Ben, Pinocchio Tim and Arthur Levitt / California Misses Budget Deadline

RCM Editorial While the mainstream media is busy rolling “green shoots” and smoking them, I thought I’d compose a post today to help you ‘JUST SAY NO.’ Ben “Helicopter” Bernanke and his side kick Tim “Pinocchio” Geithner (honestly, watch him speak, I swear his nose looks like it grows) have been dealing some pretty potent D.C. “trip shoots.” Of course, […]

Coping with Government Sponsored Market Manipulation

RCM EDITORIAL RCM Comment: We live in a world where markets are manipulated by governments. To argue this point is to howl at the moon. We are not conspiracy theorists; we are realists. In order to successfully manage a portfolio in this environment one must understand the playing field and the rules. There is no point in complaining about the […]