Tag Archives: News that Moves Markets

Fear Trade Back? Sergey Aleynikov & HFTs, Goldman’s Trading Scandal, 2nd Stimulus, U.S. Office Market Collapse

News that Moves Markets with RCM Editorial On Monday I revealed long term trends that, as I said, must be respected. However, today I wish to offer a thought that may help those who wish to trade on a shorter time frame. Government manipulation, with the help of big investment banks, has turned shorter term decision making into a sort […]

Honduran Coup, Jump In Mortgage Rates

News That Moves Markets   RCM Comment: In a world seemingly full of bad news, during a news cycle full of Madoff, Iran and North Korea, I thought you could use a little lift. I thought you would appreciate a story where good triumphs over evil and where a constitution is protected from a despotic leader. Finally, the people of […]

Economy Not in Good Shape; Recent Changes to the Way the U.S. Treasury Tallies Demand at its Bond Auctions

News That Moves Markets   RCM Comment: O.K. we have a lot to get to today, so let’s get started. First, I’ve put together a list of economic numbers recently released to offer more evidence in support of my pronouncement that “the economy is not in good shape”. I know this proclamation is not the favored view at the moment. […]