JOBS Act: Surfing Hedge Fund Video Goes Viral In Financial Circles

dpuu290-300x200New York (HedgeCo.Net) – In November of this year $100 million hedge fund investor Topturn Capital aligned itself with professional Australian surfer Joe Curren. Today, the hedge fund reports that over 6,000 people watched the marketing pitch in four days, easily surpassing any other traditional hedge fund “marketing deck’s” reach.

“We feel that how we represent our company will change the industry norm,” Greg Stewart, Co-Founder and Chief Investment Officer of Top Turn Capital, said. “People look at numbers all day everyday. We just brought in The Trojan Horse (JoeCurren) for our investment strategy by introducing a surfer into the equation.”

In the surfing lexicon, a ‘top turn’ refers to a surfer’s ability to re-position himself back into the momentum of moving water. Topturn Capital says that their approach to asset management parallels this analogy. The recent JOBS Act ruling presented them with the opportunity to add to their company and investment strategy, Topturn says.

“The SECs recent ratification of the Jobs Act has dramatically changed everything,” Dan Darchuck, Top Turn Capital’s Co-Founder and Managing Director, said in a press release obtained by HedgeCo. “The changing regulatory environment has encouraged us to re-think everything we thought we knew about marketing, this notion that the investment community won’t respond to more standard marketing content is obviously not accurate. Of course, we still need to provide investors with the necessary details, but marketing is about starting those new conversations which can get you there.”

Alex Akesson
Editor for
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