Tag Archives: asriel

Hedge fund winners amid the rubble

International Herald Tribune – Bernard Drury is a rarity on Wall Street: a hedge fund manager who is making money, rather than losing it. While most hedge funds are declining this year and unsettling the markets in the process, a handful […]

What crisis? Some hedge funds are gaining

International Herald Tribune – Bernard Drury is a rarity on Wall Street: a hedge fund manager who is making money rather than losing it. While most hedge funds are sinking into red this year and unsettling the markets in the process, […]

Wall Street Fastens Its Seatbelt, Preparing for This Weeks Ride

New York Times – Frazzled traders and money managers spent an angst-filled weekend struggling to fathom the sweeping bailout the Bush administration proposed for financial institutions in the United States and what it will mean for the world’s markets. At […]