Tag Archives: volcker

Equity Markets Continue to Bleed. Why? German Stupidity, Volcker Rule and the Carry Trade Unwind

As usual European news leads the way with a ridiculous ’shoot in the foot’ decision coming out of Germany… Merkel will announce, on Wednesday, a financial transactions tax, and a ban on naked short selling on 10 of the “most-important” financial institutions in Germany. Ban also applies to CDS and Euro govt bonds. Will remain in place for an indefinite period of […]

Important US$/Gold Events, Basel Compliance, “Option” Mortgages to Explode, U.S. Treasury Stealing Premiums? Volcker Calls for Trading Restrictions

Possible important US$/Gold events in the near future:   The G20 meeting in the U.S. city of Pittsburgh on Sept. 24-25:   The equity market rally has gained steam over the last few weeks not because of the much discussed possible economic recovery but because of the falling US$. As the US$ sinks to new lows cash in short term […]