Tag Archives: employment

FED Will Not Reduce Liquidity, Stock Market Investing, China Theme Continued

That’s it! I’ve had it! Enough! Let’s dispense with the absurd, ludicrous, vacuous debate about “imminent” Fed tightening.  The financial airwaves and print are full of this idiotic expectation that the Fed will reduce liquidity soon.  Allow me to be clear: THE FED WILL NOT REDUCE LIQUIDITY AT THIS TIME. The Fed cannot reduce liquidity because the economic environment is […]

Hedge My Job

  It looks like the market for `financial dream jobs´ may have actually perked up amidst the financial turmoil of the past few months.  Investment managers saw a 22% increase in job offers as rival firms take advantage of the increasing number of financial services workers looking for a job by “snapping up the cream of the crop on much less than […]