Author Archives: Jesse Marrus

Five Tips for Emerging Hedge Fund Managers (And One Thing to Avoid!)

Jed Alpert, Managing Director of Global Marketing at PerTrac, recently provided StreetID with his top five tips for emerging hedge fund managers: “One is focus on performance. It’s going to be the most important thing you can do. Make sure that you are performing as well or better than your peers.” “Make sure you understand what are the criteria that […]

Which Hedge Funds Perform Best in Down Markets?

PerTrac, a provider of analytics, reporting and communications software for investment professionals, released a new report this week detailing the success of hedge funds during years in which the entire sector posted negative performance results. After taking a look at small hedge funds (where assets under management were less than $100M), medium-sized entities (with AUM between $100M and $500M) and […]

Did Bernie Madoff Run a Hedge Fund?

Everyone knows the name Bernie Madoff. But very few people know the true story behind his deceptive Ponzi scheme. “A lot of people don’t know this but Bernie Madoff was not a hedge fund,” Mitch Ackles, President of the Hedge Fund Association and CEO of Hedge Fund PR, told StreetID. “Bernie Madoff was a broker-dealer — a regulated entity. He […]

What Will Happen to Wall Street if Romney Wins?

During the first presidential debate, a Yahoo Finance poll found that 80 percent of voters (33,782) believed Mitt Romney gave a stronger performance than President Obama. Among the praise and critiques of both candidates, one important question has emerged: what will happen to Wall Street if Romney wins in November? “I think they have pretty much more or less settled […]

Before Starting a Hedge Fund, Build Up Your Track Record

Earlier this month, Daniel Strachman, a financial expert who serves as the Director of Research and Strategy for the GAIM Conference Series, told StreetID that if hedge funds want to attract more capital, they need to tell a good story. “[Make] sure that they’re succinct in their message about what they’re doing with the capital they’re investing,” he said. Hedge […]

Best Places to Start a Financial Firm

From New York and Chicago to London and Hong Kong, there are plenty of locations to launch a new financial firm. But where should aspiring entrepreneurs begin? “British Virgin Islands,” Andrei Knight, the founder and Senior Currency Strategist at, suggested. “Panama, maybe. The problem with those jurisdictions, of course, is also the shady element. That’s where the loosest regulations […]

How to Ace a Hedge Fund Interview

First and foremost: do not ever lie. “Then you don’t have anything to remember,” said Mitch Ackles, President of the Hedge Fund Association and CEO of Hedge Fund PR. “Make sure that everything is truthful and above board. Be completely clear if you’ve ever had any black marks on your record, if you’ve ever had any disciplinary actions from a […]

Where Are The Biggest Hedge Fund Communities Around the World?

New York is number-one. Where are the rest? “If we’re talking U.S., the next one is Connecticut, either Greenwich or Stamford,” said Mitch Ackles, President of the Hedge Fund Association and CEO of Hedge Fund PR. “Then you probably go to San Francisco and Dallas.” From there, job seekers will find a number of hedge funds in Atlanta, Denver, Los […]

Insider Tips on How to Get Hired at this Publicly Traded Firm

From New York and San Francisco to Hong Kong and Israel, FXCM is looking to fill a number of positions within the company. StreetID spoke to a human resources specialist at the firm to learn everything you need to know before you apply. “Primarily what we recruit for is client-facing type roles, especially within our satellite offices,” the specialist told […]

To Attract More Capital, Hedge Funds Need to “Tell a Good Story”

Hedge funds can do a lot of things to raise more capital, but the best strategy might have more to do with communication than anything else. “The way they can attract more capital is by telling a good story and making sure that they’re succinct in their message about what they’re doing with the capital they’re investing,” Daniel Strachman, a […]